Rest. Play. Celebrate. Love. Laugh. Dream.

Goodbye 2021 and Thank you…

What a year! A year with so many highs, opportunities, achievements and magical moments, alongside some of the most darkest of times and great loss; I speak for myself and for so many of those that I know and love. Thanks to family, friendships and a supportive community, we’ve got through it all… and another unpredictable year.

Despite the difficulties, I’m grateful for 2021, the good and the bad, the highs and the lows. Sometimes these really hard, painful times wake and shake me up. They make me want to dive into life a little deeper, open myself to more opportunities, meet and rise to challenges that I fear. Then the really uplifting and positive times just make me feel so alive, full, tingly and expansive. I do my best to embrace all of it (though sometimes that feels hard!) My Yoga practice helps me with this: it helps me accept where I am, what I’m doing and to listen to my intuition, to navigate how to respond to life’s ups and downs. It’s all a practice. I hope that you find that your yoga helps you off the mat too in navigating your life journey.

So, I guess I ‘m grateful. Although I’m ready for a rest after this year, I still plan to celebrate the end of the year with love, a lot of laughter, thankfulness and a great big farewell hug! I hope all of you will too!

Looking ahead to 2022…

An Updated Schedule, Well-Woman Event, Pre Natal Event, Gift Vouchers and a Case Study call-out…

Please see below for the latest schedule! There is a slight price increase which I hope is agreeable to you. For termly bookings, classes now work out at £10 per 90 minute class. Drop-ins will now be £12. Should you be experiencing financial difficulties, please contact me directly.

To book your class, head to ‘Book Classes’ on my website.

January/February 2022 Schedule


9.30-11am Well-Woman Yoga The Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth

12.15-1.30pm Well-Woman Yoga Welford & Weston Memorial Hall, Stratford-Upon-Avon


8-9.30pm Mixed Ability Yoga The Kenilworth Centre, Abbey End, Kenilworth


7-8.30pm Mixed Ability Yoga The Kenilworth Centre, Abbey End, Kenilworth


9.15-10.45am Mixed Ability Yoga The Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth

11-12.30pm Well-Woman Yoga The Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth


7.30-9am Ashtanga Yoga The Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth

Pre Natal Yoga Event

Saturday 15th January 2.30-4.30pm

An extended monthly Yoga Session incorporating practices to help support the transformative pre natal body and mind. New mothers and babies are also invited to the session to help support the early months of motherhood.

Practices include both static and flowing postures (Asana) to release discomfort, support posture and enhance mobility with ease; Pelvic Floor Practices to support growth of baby and preparation for labour; breath work (Pranayama) to help soothe and relieve emotional fluctuations, anxiety and create calm; Meditation & Visualisation to help ease the mind & deepen insight; Yoga Nidra to experience deep relaxation and connection to the self and baby.

For more information please contact or to book, please head to ‘Book Classes’ on my website.

Well-Woman Yoga Event

Saturday 29th January 2.30-5.30pm

A return of the much loved Well-Woman Yoga Event. An afternoon including practices to help soothe, release, relax and restore: Asana: still & flowing movement including balance; Pawanmuktasana: Joint release practices to help with aches and pains; Pelvic Floor Practices (get to know your pelvic floor!); Pranayama: breathing practices to help settle emotional fluctuations caused by peri-menopause/menopause/post-menopause symptoms, to help release tension, and explore finding balance and calm through simple breathing practises; Meditation to support change & transition; Yoga Nidra to encourage deep rest and insight. The afternoon also includes a tea break to chat/share with other women.

Case Study Call Out

As many of you know, I’m currently training to be a Yoga Therapist which is really deepening my Yoga practice and my teaching - I hope that you’re enjoying the benefits! I’m currently working towards my second Case Study and I’m looking for a volunteer. If you’re interested in being one of my case studies in the future, which includes five 1:1 Private Yoga Therapy Consultations, all at a reduced price, then please drop me a line. My current line of study is Cardiovascular & Respiratory conditions. If you or anyone you know would like to explore Yoga Therapy as a means to support your condition, then please email me at your earliest convenience. The consultations can be face to face and/or via zoom. Contact me for further details:

Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers will be available before Christmas - they are currently being designed and printed! Do drop me a line if you’d like to purchase a voucher. I’ll pop a further advertisement on social media when they’ve arrived. These can be used for 1:1’s, events, or a term of classes!

1:1 Yoga Sessions

1:1 Yoga sessions are available with me in both Kenilworth & Stratford-Upon-Avon. Whether you’d like regular sessions, a one-off session to check in and receive further support with your current practice, or if you’re new to the practice and would like some extra support as you embark on your journey, a 1:1 is tailored to suit your personal needs. For more information or to book a 1:1 with me, contact

Finally a huge thank you to all of you that support my little Yoga Business! It’s an honour to get to know so many of you both in class and online, and be able to support you on your Yoga journey.

I wish you all a really beautiful Christmas break - may it be filled with lots of love, laughter, silliness and celebration. Let’s all dream for a magical 2022 :)

Much Love,

Lucy xx

“You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one

I hope someday you’ll join us

And the world will live as one”

~ John Lennon