Newson Health doctors and invited experts marked World Menopause Day by filming a range of discussions and demonstrations to help women better understand and manage the challenges of the menopause, and the effect it can have on health and wellbeing.
As Newson Health's resident yoga practitioner, I was invited to present an interactive demonstration of my Well-Woman Yoga class to help women understand the holistic benefits of yoga and its beneficial effect during the perimenopause and menopause.
Along with Dr. Sarah Ball and yoga enthusiast Sarah Baker, we talked about the value of yoga. I describe the different types of yoga, why breathing is so important, the improvements to your physical and emotional wellbeing and how it’s best to choose the right type of yoga for your needs and symptoms. You can watch the On-Demand discussion by clicking the button below.
“I have been joining Lucy via Zoom for Well-Woman Classes and Mixed Ability Classes this year. I am so delighted to be able to do this, they help so much, and I usually wouldn’t be able to attend her classes as I live an hours drive from Kenilworth.
Over the past 30 years I have done all sorts of different yoga and suddenly found when I hit my 50’s that I cannot imagine doing what I used to as my body has taken off on its own journey.
My biggest challenge seems to be arthritic pain in my hands, the hand stretches that we do in the Well Woman class really helps with this.
Last summer my son found it hilarious that I could not do more than about six jumps on the trampoline but seven months later I can run further, sneeze without fear and my husband and I both enjoy the benefits of the bandha exercises. The practice itself is gentle and works in a very subtle way that is so effective at a much deeper level. I had been told there was little that could be done about the pelvic floor but I am amazed at how quickly I am now able to connect with myself thanks to these classes.”