Happy International Women's Day!

To celebrate International Women’s Day this year, here’s a special newsletter sharing all of Living Your Yoga’s Classes, Events & Retreats for Women, including a trailer for Well-Woman Yoga Retreats! (See below )

Well-Woman Yoga Classes consist of practices designed to nourish, release and restore women’s health. The Classes, Events and Retreats bring women together creating a strong community of support, consisting of deep and meaningful conversations to lots of laughter!

I also teach 1:1 Well-Woman Yoga Therapy Sessions for those that require more support between teacher and student.

Whether you’re menstruating, pregnant, post-natal, peri-menopausal, menopausal or post-menopausal, Well-Woman Practices are suitable for all Women.

Sessions always include Asana (posture practice, both static and flowing); Pawanmuktasana (joint release practices); Pelvic Floor Awareness & Practices; Pranayama (breath work); Meditation; Mudra; Restorative Postures; Relaxation or Yoga Nidra.

Well-Woman Weekly Classes are both in-person and also available online:

Mondays: 9.30-11am Kenilworth Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth. Face-to-Face & Online

Mondays 12.15-1.30pm Welford & Weston Memorial Hall, Stratford-Upon-Avon. Face-to-Face Only

Fridays 11-12.30pm Kenilworth Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth. Face-to-Face & Online.

See details below for all Well-Woman Events and November’s Well-Woman Yoga Retreat!

Book Online or email me to book for more than one event for more information.

Email me for the Retreat Booklet & Booking Form
