I wrote this to you from Purple Valley Yoga Retreat in sunny Tenerife, where every morning was spent deepening my Ashtanga Yoga practice, and most afternoons were spent in practice, playing and exploring backbends, inversions and meditation.
I chose to attend this yoga retreat to develop my personal practice, and in turn, to continue to deliver fresh and inspiring methods of yoga & meditation throughout all of my classes and individual tuitions. I look forward to sharing new practices and approaches next term :)
Along with deepening my Yoga & Meditation practice, I'd say I got a mighty fine and much needed rest, lots of joy and giggles shared with one of my dearest friends and a chance to be completely immersed in nature, all of which I am truly grateful for.
Pincha Mayurasana
My personal practice was very much focussed on living in the present moment, taking in everything through my senses: listening to the birds and the sea when outside walking, to absorbing the sound of the sweet chorus of ujjayi breath inside the shala (the practice space). I observed the beauty surrounding me, from the vibrant colours of the flowers in the street to the food on the table, from the smiles to the shapes our bodies were making during practice. My sense of smell became sensitive and uplifted by the scent of incense, the sea, my morning coffee; my taste buds were awoken by the taste of the delicious food, the salt of the sea from my swim. My awareness was heightened to the touch of assistance in a posture, the heat from the sun, the coolness of the sea… I’m grateful for all of these sensations and for the joy & experience that they brought.
I studied with Ashtanga Yogini and Buddhist scholar/practitioner Ellen Johannesen - a wonderful teacher with whom I’ve never actually studied with before. She is full of experience, knowledge and wisdom - I’m completely inspired & uplifted by her teachings and her presence - I plan to return to her teachings again one day.
I hope that you all found time to rest, laugh and enjoy the Easter break: finding moments of gratitude, being with loved ones, exploring new places or just taking time to reflect. There have been so many ups and downs in the last couple of years. Even since the beginning of this year, so many of you have had to adjust your lives due to work, health, loss, and changes of circumstances. I’ve had numerous conversations with many of you, in how your yoga practice has helped you navigate your way throughout life’s challenges and changes, creating stability, routine, self-care and connection to the self.
Due to so many changes and feedback, I have changed our weekly schedule a little, adding a new style of practice to the week. See details below.
Introducing a new Online Only: Monday Night Hatha Yoga Class
A new online only Hatha Yoga Class begins on Monday 25th April 7-8.15pm. This will be a nourishing class that includes meditation, pranayama, asana and relaxation. This class will be suitable for beginners, those looking for a gentle, fully rounded practice, and also suitable for those with health issues or recovering from illness. Payment is per household so you can have as many family members with you as you like for the practice ;)
This class is also suitable for those that attend Well-Woman Yoga Therapy, Mixed Ability or Ashtanga as a complement to our existing practice, or as an alternative.
Next Terms Schedule: Monday 25th April ~ Saturday 28th May
Well-Woman Yoga 9.30-11am Kenilworth Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth (Face to Face & Online) *No class on 25th April or 2nd May*
A short 3 week term for this class only I’m afraid: 9th May ~ 23rd May
Monday’s (25th April ~ 23rd May)
**No classes on Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May
Well-Woman Yoga 12.15-1.30pm Welford & Western Memorial Hall, Stratford-Upon-Avon (Face to Face Only) x4 weeks
Hatha Yoga 7-8.15pm Anywhere via Zoom (Online Only) x4 weeks
Wednesday’s (27th April ~ 25th May)
Mixed Ability Yoga 7-8.30pm The Kenilworth Centre, Abbey End, Kenilworth
(Face to Face & Online) x5 weeks
Friday’s (29th April ~ 27th May)
Mixed Ability Yoga 9.15-10.45am Kenilworth Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth (Face to Face & Online) x5 weeks
Well-Woman Yoga 11-12.30pm Kenilworth Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth (Face to Face & Online) x5 weeks
Saturday’s (30th April ~ 28th May)
Ashtanga Yoga 7.30-9am Kenilworth Tennis & Squash Club, Crackley Lane, Kenilworth (Face to Face & Online) x5 weeks
*online only class takes place on Saturday May 7th*
Please book classes online via my website in the ‘Book Classes’ section.
Please download & complete a Health Information Form via my website in the Classes sections. You can email this back to me at:
For any questions, or if you need additional support on which class would be suitable for you, do feel free to email me.
Photo taken from our weekly Well-Woman Yoga Therapy Class
The next Well-Woman Event is on Saturday 21st May 2.30-5.30pm at Leek Wootton Village Hall, Leek Wootton, Warwickshire.
This is a deeply nourishing event that includes the following practices: Pawanmuktasana (joint release); Pranayama (breath work); Static & Flowing Asana (posture practice); Pelvic Floor Practices; Meditation; Yoga Nidra (deep guided relaxation/yogic sleep).
The afternoon is designed to inspire practices to best support your physical and mental health, help reduce tension and unwind, and bring a great community of women together.
A short tea & snack break is included in the afternoon. (Free Parking on site)
There is currently availability for this event.
Cost: £35
Head to ‘Book Classes’ via my website to book your place or drop me an email for enquiries.
Balance+ App
I’ve been busy filming more Yoga classes for the Balance+ App and have had the absolute joy of filming a few more sessions with my brilliant friend Claudia who has just joined the team. Claudia specialises in Yin Yoga & Mindfulness on the App, and my other dear team friend Dinah heads the Pilates classes that feature on the App too. There’s an abundance of information, yoga & pilates classes, recipes, cooking videos, along with advice in sexual health, pelvic floor health, weight management, nutrition, health, sleep, skin, hair - all things to take into account for Peri-Menopausal & Menopausal Women.
To subscribe to Balance+, simply download the award winning Balance Menopause App (for free!) and follow instructions to subscribe. Alternatively, head to www.balance-menopause.com for a wealth of information & community to support yours or your loved ones Menopause journey.
You can follow Claudia @yogabyclaudia & Dinah @menopausepilates and of course Balance @balancemenopasue on Instagram :)
Summer Retreats!
I’m currently in the process of organising some day yoga retreats in the Cotswolds during the Summer holidays in order for you to delve a little deeper into your yoga practice and enjoy a day of unwinding, restoring, nurturing & nourishment.
If you’re interested in attending a day retreat with me, do drop me a line as I’m starting my register now - numbers are limited. Venue & pricing will be confirmed soon :)
Yoga Therapy ~ Client Call-Out
As many of you know, I’m still very much immersed in my Yoga Therapy Training course with Yoga Campus and I’m now in my second year! Thank you to many of you who accommodate the changes in your weekly classes when I’m away on my training weekends - I hope that you feel that you benefit from the new practices that I introduce into your weekly practices on the mat.
I’m due to start my 3rd Case Study and I’m looking for a client who has conditions related to Back Care or Mental Health that has an interest in working with Yoga Therapy to help better support day-to-day life. If this may be something that you’re interested in exploring or would like further information about, please contact me.
That’s all for now, it feels like a short term ahead, but I’ll keep you updated with all things Yoga to look out for :)
Much Love,
Lucy xx
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honourably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.